Project Showcase

Share Hope

Share Hope is a trustworthy donation system that makes giving simple and fast, and the best way to accomplish that is by keeping supporters on the website from start to finish. This charity management is a non-profit organizational system in which non-governmental organizations and donors can come in and request and donate materials such as clothes, food, etc. The approach was created in response to the difficulties of a single individual in efficiently managing a straightforward contribution. Currently, donation validation is organized manually by the Goensho Tshamkhang personnel, which requires a lot of time and work.

In order to construct a web application that serves as a more intelligent and quick platform for donors to donate, a workable solution must be developed. After seeing a planned donation announced on social media, some people might be reluctant to make a contribution to the welfare home. Utilizing the web application can help user avoid these issues to a great extent. The increase in unethical behavior by non-integrity individuals has made potential contributors hesitant to contribute. This website offers a platform for those who aren’t sure where to go.

Dorji Zangmo (12190007)
Kencho Pem (12190011)
Sancha Bir Subba (12190020)
Sherab Wangchuck (12190023)

Guided by:
Ms. Jigme Wangmo

Check out the promo video!